Optimism bias and why you should avoid it

August 28, 2023

Avoiding “optimism bias”! How Max’s mom needed disability insurance at an early age How certain disability insurances may protect you, your family, and your employees

Where is the United States headed?

August 21, 2023

What might the future economy look like for the US? Will government spending ramp up inflation? Should we be skittish about tapping into the markets?

Addictions do not discriminate

August 7, 2023

If any of your clients have addiction issues, they’re likely spending a lot of money on it. They’re also likely not disclosing that to you…

Is the cost of college still worth going?

August 1, 2023

As a financial professional, you understand the importance of staying informed and helping guide your clients towards financial confidence. This episode covers essential areas such…

Investing in our youth

July 31, 2023

You may find that your clients can be completely clueless to things like how high their credit card interest rate is or how much money…

Age in place

July 24, 2023

Most people plan on their children taking care of them in their elderly years, but you know what negative implications that can have on the…

32 trillion in debt

July 17, 2023

It’s written in the new tax code that taxes will rise in 2026. If your clients and prospects aren’t preparing now or don’t understand the…

Is the cost of college still worth going?

July 10, 2023

As a financial professional, you understand the importance of staying informed and helping guide your clients towards financial confidence. This episode covers essential areas such…

Instant money

July 3, 2023

Many of your clients are in a toxic money cycle and don’t even realize it, as our guest estimates over 75% of Americans are “winging…

Go phish

July 1, 2023

Why is it important that your clients are safe on the internet? Because it could end up costing them! If they aren’t careful, they could…

We the people

June 26, 2023

It doesn’t matter who’s in office in Washington. The debt-to-GDP is rapidly growing, and there’s talks of the debt ceiling being raised. This may have…