Learn to live a stress free life!

December 31, 2018

This time of the year tends to get stressful, so we invited Mark Pruss to share some de-stressing techniques with us all.  When he’s not…

What’s your story?

December 24, 2018

This week’s episode will teach you how to connect with your prospects while inspiring your clients! Former Houston Oiler Bo Eason tells his amazing story…

Striking a chord with kids

December 17, 2018

In honor of the holiday season, share an episode that is sure to spread the warm, fuzzy feelings. On this week’s episode we bring in…

Seismic savings for small business owners

December 3, 2018

Let’s face it: your clients probably aren’t going to sift through all the new tax law changes, because believe it or not, that’s not the…

The questions nobody talks about

November 26, 2018

There are questions your clients need to be addressing when preparing for a loved one’s long term care needs. If they don’t adequately plan, the…

10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

November 5, 2018

When Alzheimer’s Disease strikes, it robs your memory, your ability to function, and eventually, your life. Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in…

Open enrollment season: what you need to know

October 22, 2018

Are you finding that many of your younger clients are forgoing insurance because their attitude is “why would I pay for something that I’m never…

The tax train is coming

October 1, 2018

The time to get your fiscal house in order is when the economy is going well. You know that the economy is going well now…

Do you need Life Insurance?

September 3, 2018

A lot of people are against Life Insurance because they don’t fully understand it. It’s hard to see the value in paying for something that…