What Does the Internet Say About You?

July 23, 2018

It’s likely that your prospective clients are researching you online, so what are they finding? They may find some great reviews on sites like the…

Don’t pay the price just because everybody else is!

July 16, 2018

Many individuals don’t like to plan for a crisis because they don’t want to accept that there ever could be a crisis. Get your clients…

Is your life boat packed?

July 9, 2018

Are you sick of your clients not planning for their futures because they’re listening to lunch room talk? On this episode, MDRT Member Frank Lojewski…

What does running a marathon have to do with retirement?

June 25, 2018

Every retirement is different, so why treat them all the same? You understand the importance of having a coach as you plan for retirement, but…

The Art of Strategic Giving

June 18, 2018

Are your clients losing their ability to get deductions because of the new tax law?  Are they giving to their local church or favorite charity…

Oh the places you’ll go!

June 4, 2018

People plan hours and hours, articulating every detail for a week-long vacation, so why won’t they spend that much on planning for their life plan?…

Surviving Cancer – Physically and Financially

May 28, 2018

Do you tire of your clients saying “That will never happen to me” when you are discussing Disability Insurance? May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month,…

How to Insure Your Income

May 21, 2018

Disability Insurance is one of the most important insurance policies, yet it is often the one that is most overlooked. Many individuals assume they are…

Biggest Winners of the New Tax Act

May 14, 2018

Business owners are the group that benefits most under the new tax act, but how can you ensure they are optimizing all that they may…

A Boy Named Danny

May 7, 2018

When the doctor tells you your child has special needs, your first thought isn’t “I need to make sure I start saving for this.” In…

Retirement Checklist

April 30, 2018

If not timed perfectly, retirement could start on a slippery slope and end up disastrous for your client. Many people are eager to step into…

Getting the Social Security Benefit You Deserve

April 23, 2018

Few people thoroughly understand their Social Security benefits, and that’s why we invited Ruthann Driscoll, Social Security Specialist, to join us. There are so many…