Pay Yourself First

July 1, 2021

Going through this pandemic through an Advisor’s point of view offers a unique perspective, and unfortunately, you’ve probably seen that many of your clients were…

Who wants to be a millionaire?

June 1, 2021

Let’s face it, making money is one of the driving forces behind today’s world, yet many people struggle to make their financial dreams come true….

Mythbusters: Disability Insurance edition

May 24, 2021

Do you find that when you ask your clients if they have disability insurance, they scratch their head and mumble something about a work policy?…

Mythbusters: Disability Insurance edition

May 1, 2021

Do you find that when you ask your clients if they have disability insurance, they scratch their head and mumble something about a work policy?…

Virtual reality

April 19, 2021

Your clients have more than likely expressed their concerns to you about what the future of the market will look like following the Covid-19 pandemic;…

A power of attorney gives you the power to prepare

April 1, 2021

Ever notice how there’s just some clients you can’t get to plan for their finances? Most of the time, they understand the importance of it…

The caregiver’s crisis

March 1, 2021

It’s likely your clients have been affected by Alzheimer’s Disease in some way, and it can be an extremely overwhelming time financially and emotionally. Be…

Are health and wealth related?

February 1, 2021

Lack of sleep is related to a lot of chronic health issues, so the more sleep they get, presumably the healthier they’ll be, and we…

The power to choose

January 1, 2021

If someone’s well-being is compromising their energy and motivation are elsewhere, their financial affairs may suffer as a result. This episode with Coach and Mentor…

Even Superman isn’t invincible

December 1, 2020

So many people share the “it’s not going to happen to me” mentality or assume that Medicare will cover their long-term care needs, but even…

Jeff’s story – the caregiver chronicles

November 1, 2020

What to do as family members age is one of the most difficult questions your clients are faced with, and sometimes a hearing a personal…

Bounce back

October 1, 2020

As a financial professional, you know that “life happens” even when people think they’re invincible. This powerful episode features author insurance professional Jane Blaufus, who…