Real Wealth® Weekly

Personal, not statistical

February 24, 2020

Have you ever had a client reach retirement only to find out they can’t afford to retire, or worse, they have to come back out…

Caring for the caregiver

February 17, 2020

Do you find that many of your clients think they can handle their loved ones’ Alzheimer’s Disease diagnosis on their own? This episode with Jack…

Never too young for life insurance

February 10, 2020

Most people think that life insurance is for use in the event of a tragedy, but this episode with 23-year old Entrepreneur and Author, Caleb…

Degrees, not debt

February 3, 2020

Not many 18 year olds can fully comprehend the amount of student debt they can end up in, but the reality is that many adults…

Preparing is caring

January 27, 2020

Many people assume the responsibility of taking care of their aging parents but if they don’t meet with you to plan, not only may they…

Don’t let your business die

January 20, 2020

Your clients thinking their business is invincible can be dangerous, especially if their retirement funds are riding on it. This episode with Lewis Schiff, Author…

Young money

January 13, 2020

Yes, you advise adults. No, they’re not the only ones that need help managing their money. Tune in as “The Eagle Mom,” Sunny Istar Lee,…

Beef up your benefits

January 6, 2020

Social Security comes up time and time again, but are you aware of the new changes? Are you asking your clients the right questions? Retirement…

How to help yourself: 17 mistakes consumers make

December 30, 2019

Even though your clients may be meeting with you regularly they still may be making mistakes, such as not being honest with themselves and you…

Money method

December 23, 2019

Most people have spare money after paying their bills and buying their groceries but don’t know where that extra cash flow should go. Should they…

Celebrities need help too

December 16, 2019

Celebrities hold a huge influence over the way we think. For some reason, we disregard opinions of professionals but will obsess over a celeb regardless…

Special planning for special needs

December 9, 2019

It never even crosses many parents’ minds that raising a child with special needs may inquire a lot of extra costs. Financial Planner Stephanie Thompson…