Real Wealth® Monthly

Prepare for the Unknown: How Taxes Affect Retirement

April 1, 2017

Of all the risks in retirement, the tax risk is one of the least understood. Share this fantastic Ed Slott episode so one of the…

No Necktie Needed

March 1, 2017

NAIFA Past President Juli McNeely joins Real Wealth® to discuss her new book “No Necktie Needed.” In the book and on this episode, she discusses…

Nest Eggs Beware!

February 1, 2017

If your clients and prospects still don’t grasp the emotional and financial toll chronic illness can take on their family and their funds, then share…

Big Changes Coming 2017: The Pros & Cons

January 1, 2017

Have you begun to communicate the impact of the DoL rules to your clients & prospects? Since it is a highly complex and political issue,…

Saving and Spending: Secrets of Centenarians

November 1, 2016

Newsflash for your clients: Centenarians don’t have some “long life” gene. In fact, most have a family history with shorter lifespans, so they did not…

Health Insurance: Get Ready for Open Enrollment

October 1, 2016

Do any of your clients depend on the private health insurance exchange for their coverage? Help them get educated and get prepared for the unstable…

A Risk You Don’t Have to Take

September 1, 2016

Have you heard of Life Happens? Every year they do a fantastic job of promoting Life Insurance Awareness month, and this year, we partnered up…

Look Before You LIRP

August 1, 2016

Still having trouble convincing your clients how important and versatile Life Insurance can be? In preparation for Life Insurance Awareness Month we invited David McKnight, author of…

Social Security: Maximize & Thrive

July 1, 2016

Save time in your appointments by sharing this episode of Real Wealth®! Tim Kiesling, a nationally-recognized Social Security Speaker and Consultant, discusses the newest changes to Social…

Femmes and Finance: What Men And Women Need to Know

June 1, 2016

Are your female clients becoming more and more involved in financial strategizing? Learn from Heather Lindsley, LUTCF, as she explains the unique issues facing women and finance….

How Jason Battled Cancer And Still Paid The Bills

May 1, 2016

It’s Disability Income Insurance Awareness Month! If you’re having trouble explaining the importance of DI to your clients, then share this episode! Jason Mendelsohn, Co-Founder of the…

Is Your House Really An Asset?

April 1, 2016

“Rich Dad” Robert Kiyosaki joins Real Wealth® once again!  Author of the Best Selling Personal Finance book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and more recently “Second…