We the people

May 13, 2024

There’s only one financial item guaranteed in the US Constitution… what is it? What’s David Walker’s view on the biggest deficit in Washington? Where we…

Market mistakes to avoid

February 5, 2024

A recap of the 2023 market, including data from Russell Investments The 3 most common mistakes people make regarding the market What potential opportunities to…

Where is the United States headed?

August 21, 2023

What might the future economy look like for the US? Will government spending ramp up inflation? Should we be skittish about tapping into the markets?

32 trillion in debt

July 17, 2023

It’s written in the new tax code that taxes will rise in 2026. If your clients and prospects aren’t preparing now or don’t understand the…

We the people

June 26, 2023

It doesn’t matter who’s in office in Washington. The debt-to-GDP is rapidly growing, and there’s talks of the debt ceiling being raised. This may have…

Leave your emotions at the door

June 12, 2023

In your line of work, you know how emotions can drive people to make decisions that may not be best for them. No matter how…

Preparing for economic changes

March 20, 2023

Clients and prospects tuning in to an episode about the economy are more likely to be the types of people that come running to you…

Understanding inflation

February 13, 2023

Seeing what trends appear in the market, as well as what might have caused them, is difficult for the average consumer to grasp onto. Chief…

The immigrant experience

April 1, 2022

While the majority of your clients may likely be natural-born US citizens, there are many hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have come to this…

The future of financial services

February 21, 2022

The financial industry has seen some changes in recent decades, and you may be struggling to make a meaningful impact on your clients because of…

Keeping things current

February 14, 2022

It’s one thing to make a financial plan with your clients, but it’s another thing to make sure that plans stay up to date with…

The immigrant experience

January 31, 2022

While the majority of your clients may likely be natural-born US citizens, there are many hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have come to this…