Taboo talk: women, money, and power

March 25, 2019

“Money silence” is the discomfort many of us feel towards discussing finances with others, but ignoring the talk altogether has serious consequences for couples and…

Will your money run out?

March 18, 2019

Americans love watching professional sports, but what most people don’t know is how quickly athletes spend their fortunes when they retire from the game! Financial…

Teamwork makes the dream work

March 4, 2019

Celebrities hold a huge influence over the way we think. For some reason, we disregard opinions of professionals but will obsess over a celeb regardless…

7 Crucial things to do before having a baby

February 11, 2019

This week’s episode is a great way to show your clients and prospects how much you care about them, as Financial Professional Dave Alison talks…

Learn to live a stress free life!

December 31, 2018

This time of the year tends to get stressful, so we invited Mark Pruss to share some de-stressing techniques with us all.  When he’s not…

What’s your story?

December 24, 2018

This week’s episode will teach you how to connect with your prospects while inspiring your clients! Former Houston Oiler Bo Eason tells his amazing story…

Thankful for Thanksgiving

November 19, 2018

Are your clients not insuring themselves properly because they ‘can’t afford it?’ Share this episode to show them that the little purchases can add up,…

Opioid Overdose – Cheryl’s Story

August 27, 2018

Embarrassment, guilt and shame often stops clients from discussing their personal or loved one’s addiction. As an advisor you realize how much financial harm an…

17 mistakes consumers make

August 13, 2018

Even though your clients may be meeting with you regularly they still may be making mistakes, such as not being honest with themselves and you…

Opioid Overdose – Cheryl’s Story

August 1, 2018

Embarrassment, guilt and shame often stops clients from discussing their personal or loved one’s addiction. As an advisor you realize how much financial harm an…

What Does the Internet Say About You?

July 23, 2018

It’s likely that your prospective clients are researching you online, so what are they finding? They may find some great reviews on sites like the…

What does running a marathon have to do with retirement?

June 25, 2018

Every retirement is different, so why treat them all the same? You understand the importance of having a coach as you plan for retirement, but…