RMD’s and me

August 2, 2021

It’s likely that a few of your clients have gotten laid off or have been financially hurt by Covid. This episode, Retirement Specialist Denise Appleby…

Will social security be there for me?

December 7, 2020

Are you ever frustrated that your clients don’t adequately plan for their social security needs because they’re so scared of it running out that they…

Tax free income for life

November 9, 2020

There are two major risks people face when retirement planning, and that is longevity risk and the tax rate risk, and with tax rates set…

The truth about saving for retirement

October 26, 2020

For someone not in the financial industry, putting money aside for a retirement that’s so far away can be hard to justify and easy to…

RMD’s and me

October 19, 2020

It’s likely that a few of your clients have gotten laid off or have been financially hurt by Covid. This episode, Retirement Specialist Denise Appleby…

Un-assisted living: living in your home for longer

August 3, 2020

As people approaching retirement are looking to downsize their home or move into their dream home, they’re not thinking about their safety if they or…

Get the most for the least

June 15, 2020

Do you know why we have so many shows on retirement? It’s because so many people aren’t adequately preparing for it, and it’s one of…

Facing the future

May 25, 2020

Are your clients still in denial about how expensive aging is? Let this episode with LTC Professional and Author of Don’t Go Broke in a…

Personal, not statistical

February 24, 2020

Have you ever had a client reach retirement only to find out they can’t afford to retire, or worse, they have to come back out…

6 reasons businesses fail to successfully sell

November 4, 2019

Business owners stink at planning for retirement! They invest everything into their business and then count on the sale of their business to fund their…

Don’t dodge the bullet

October 1, 2019

Do your clients avoid the family meeting or discussing contingency plans because they just don’t want to think about it? Share this episode so your…

Don’t dodge the bullet

September 30, 2019

Do your clients avoid the family meeting or discussing contingency plans because they just don’t want to think about it? Share this episode so your…