The Red Zone

September 15, 2019

You should plan your retirement at least 10 years in advance if not more, but many people don’t take the time to do so. This…

The Red Zone

September 1, 2019

You should plan your retirement at least 10 years in advance if not more, but many people don’t take the time to do so. This…

Changing your future starts with you

July 29, 2019

Do you find that your clients easily spend weeks preparing for a vacation but won’t spend 5 minutes with you preparing for their future? Let…

Facing the future – are your costs covered?

July 8, 2019

Are your clients still in denial about how expensive aging is? Let this episode with LTC Professional and Author of Don’t Go Broke in a…

Will you outlast your home (or the other way around)?

June 24, 2019

As people approaching retirement are looking to downsize their home or move into their dream home, they’re not thinking about their safety if they or…

5 years later – where are we now?

June 10, 2019

One of the largest demographics, the Baby Boomers, are outliving their life expectancy, and many of them are not adequately prepared financially for it. Popular…

Don’t go broke in a Nursing Home!

May 13, 2019

In honor of Long Term Care Awareness month we invited LTC Veteran Producer and Author Don Quante to share a double feature with your clients!…

Top two threats to retirees

April 8, 2019

As the Baby Boomers head into retirement, our country’s IOUs keep piling up and piling up. Share this episode featuring Tax Attorney Rebecca Walser to…

3 steps you can take to help the Federal deficit

March 11, 2019

The rising national debt will likely force taxes to go up in the future, so this episode with former Comptroller of the Currency David Walker…

3 steps you can take to help the Federal deficit

March 1, 2019

The rising national debt will likely force taxes to go up in the future, so this episode will help motivate your clients to meet with…

Who will take care of Mom?

February 18, 2019

So many people end up draining their financial and emotional resources taking care of an aging parent – don’t let your clients be one of…

The questions nobody talks about

November 26, 2018

There are questions your clients need to be addressing when preparing for a loved one’s long term care needs. If they don’t adequately plan, the…