Inheritance Gone Wrong

March 20, 2017

Nothing explains the importance of a solid estate plan better than stories of those who didn’t quite get it right. On this episode of Real…

10 Tax Tips for 2017

January 16, 2017

Do you work closely with a CPA to provide thorough financial advice? Our host Jim interviews his CPA Neil Narveson to show your clients how…

The Gift That Gives Back

December 5, 2016

Our host Jim Silbernagel has been speaking around the country and training advisors on charitable planning strategies for the middle class that could get you…

Look Before You LIRP

August 15, 2016

Still having trouble convincing your clients how important and versatile Life Insurance can be? In preparation for Life Insurance Awareness Month we invited David McKnight, author of…

Look Before You LIRP

August 1, 2016

Still having trouble convincing your clients how important and versatile Life Insurance can be? In preparation for Life Insurance Awareness Month we invited David McKnight, author of…

Are You Overpaying On Taxes?

March 1, 2016

Have you discussed business over lunch with a colleague or taken a client to the driving range? You probably know that those expenses are tax…

Are You Overpaying On Taxes?

February 15, 2016

Have you discussed business over lunch with a colleague or taken a client to the driving range? You probably know that those expenses are tax…

Managing & Reducing Your Biggest Expense

June 1, 2015

According to our guest expert, if you are self-employed, you are 700% more likely to get audited! We invited Sandy Botkin, CPA on Real Wealth®…

Managing & Reducing Your Biggest Expense

May 4, 2015

According to our guest expert, if you are self-employed, you are 700% more likely to get audited! We invited Sandy Botkin, CPA on Real Wealth®…

2015 Tax Surprises

April 20, 2015

This episode, our guest Larry Fortenberry discusses the significant tax changes with Obamacare, what your clients can compare on their tax returns from last year,…

Tax Bracket Management and Estate Planning

June 9, 2014

Real Wealth® welcomes back Ed Slott, CPA, for “Part 2.” Ed lectures throughout the country, teaching advisors, attorneys and other CPAs awesome concepts to save…

Retirement Account Mistakes

June 2, 2014

Many Americans don’t realize how critical something as simple as a beneficiary designation may be, and what huge impact it could have on a surviving…