Use Real Wealth® to Market Yourself.

Listen to a Clip of a Real Wealth® Podcast Episode

Each episode features nationally recognized guests and industry experts like Robert Kiyosaki and Grace-Marie Turner, all sharing stories and ideas that encourage consumers to make smart decisions with their money with the guidance of their professional.

You know how most advisors don’t have the time or the know-how to market themselves effectively?

Well what we do at Real Wealth® is provide advisors with compelling and eye-catching media for them to share with their clients, prospects and social media networks. We package up infographics, motivational quotes, podcasts, videos, and stories into easy-to-share email and social media posts so advisors can spend their time doing what they’re there for: helping people make smart choices with their money. All content is educational and solution-oriented, which will help you:

  • Differentiate yourself from your competition by educating your community instead of selling to them
  • Strengthen your relationships by showing them you care about their well-being when you share the Real Wealth® podcast
  • SAVE TIME by educating your clients before your appointments
  • Never lose warm leads by easily staying in touch and top-of-mind
  • Get referrals when your contacts share podcast episodes with their friends and family
  • Make a HUGE impact with LITTLE effort – it’s a simple as copy and paste

Learn more, contact us, or join today!