A Worldwide Interactive Business Workshop

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With over 600 business coaches worldwide, the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) is booming and we want to share these secrets with you! Do you struggle with keeping employees for more than two years? Are your company meetings not as fruitful as they should be? Do you ever wish that nurturing good relationships with your coworkers didn’t come at the expense of your work? Business coach Clark Neuhoff leads this Power Session LIVE to show how the EOS system can not only bring your workforce closer together, but also create a more streamlined and productive output. The EOS train is running fast; use this advantage for your business before everyone else catches up!

Key Takeaways:

  • Why working ON the business as much as you work IN the business is so important
  • How to have intentional and effective meetings
  • Healthy approaches to holding team members accountable
  • The building blocks for reaching your most substantial business goals
  • How to get started applying this system

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Helpful Resources:

  • Download the three worksheets from this webinar to keep working ON your business!
  • Personally contact Clark by calling (847) 721-6084 or emailing clark.neuhoff@eosworldwide.com
  • Find out about and learn to apply the Stephen Covey Big Rocks analogy
  • Check out more tools from the EOS process on their website. For a place to start, Clark suggests going through the Vision/Traction organizer, then the Scorecard, then work on your Accountability Chart. Get the right people in the right seats!
  • Read the books [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] from the EOS Founder to hear a more in depth explanation of tools mentioned in the webinar and train your team on EOS!
  • For those with an auditory learning type, listen to the EOS podcast!
  • Learn more tools through the EOS YouTube channel, like this video on the L10 meeting!
  • To work on your People component and communication with your team, check out this past webinar!

What Advisors Think of this Session

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We asked participants: What’s the one best thing you learned from this presentation? What are you going to do differently in your business now that you’ve heard these ideas?

“Mind opened further.” – Robert Van Slyke

“General support of my Succession Plan, plus a few good implementable ideas for my plan.” – Roger Relfe

“Today’s speaker really spoke to Me! I am already forming my Top 3 for this year!” – Laurie Cameron McNamara

“EOS is critical.” – Bonita Bischoff