Retirement Planning For Times Like These

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Learn how to help your clients plan for retirement in this ever changing financial landscape! What are the current most important tools for retirement planning that you should be implementing immediately? Find out all of this and more from Curtis Cloke in this month’s Power Session LIVE!

Key Takeaways:

  • The 3 most important goals of retirement
  • Why the 4% rule could be dead
  • What facets of planning you should discuss with your clients
  • Are you providing an offensive or defensive plan to clients?
  • How to position discussing retirement planning to close the sale

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We asked participants: What’s the one best thing you learned from this presentation? What are you going to do differently in your business now that you’ve heard these ideas?

“I’m thankful that I attended Curtis Cloke’s presentation; it was a real refresher on developing retirement income strategies.” – Robert Lamb

I’m overwhelmed with the depth of Curtis’s program; I’ve entered into my succession plan with my partner and would like him to have access to this material.” – Larry Matson

“Tom Hegna a client of Curtis. Impressive…” – Zee Glavan

“More research on annuity companies.” – Kym Housley

“Love the Promised based income. Need to re look at QLACs.” – Grant Thompson

“Dive deeper into my education and how I can serve clients.” – Stan Allen

“They are always good.” – Sanjay Arora

“Well thought through.” – Fochson Fung

“More daily education.” – Mark Havig

“Need to scale up my practice– doing College planning and some insurance business, need to change.” – John Barada

“Talk with more of my clients about promised based income.” – Joe Swiderski


“Solution diversification across the industry with analysis.” – Chris Worrall