Business Disaster Prevention

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John “Wordsmith” Wheeler is laying business out on the examination table. No one wants their business to fail, so how is it business disasters can be prevented? First, let’s take a look inside our minds. Don’t miss out on this month’s Power Session LIVE, where John Wheeler discusses the psychology of a business, the people in it, and the people you’re marketing to. When you take a step back to question the why, you’ll no longer struggle knowing the how.

Key Takeaways:

  • Why businesses run into disasters
  • The most important questions to answer about your business
  • How a consumer thinks and how to leverage it
  • What leading statements can convert prospects to clients
  • What moves you should be making to prevent problems in your business

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Helpful Resources:

  • Download the slides from this session!
  • Contact John Wheeler with his personal contact information. Have a tricky client you’d like advice on? Want to discuss more about business succession? Give him an email at or a call at (630) 841-5421!
  • Download “The Red Book” for a great resource to share with clients to get them on the right planning track!
  • Learn more about the impact of having a Family Meeting with your clients!

What Advisors Think of this Session

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We asked participants: What’s the one best thing you learned from this presentation? What are you going to do differently in your business now that you’ve heard these ideas?

“Have been in the business longer than John – Contract signed 9/1/1966. His talking points are the most complete and effective I have ever seen. These alone are worth a fortune!” – Thomas Clark

“I have 3 businesses who need to work on next generation succession now!!” – Roger Relfe

“Better understanding dealing with business owners.” – Zee Glavan

“Stop telling and ask questions.” – Robert Priganc

“Salary continuation in place for one year for employees with optional bonus if they stay with the business after the owners/key persons death.” – Chuck Stickney

Ask questions, and understand the clients wants and needs–that is important to them.” – Barbara Cottrell

“I really enjoyed today’s presentation. Thank you all, Real Wealth is the best.” – Lic. Jose Rodriguez Jr

“Great presentation John! Your questions are gold!!” – Mike Evans

“Again…it’s all about the questions you ask the client to achieve the best results and solutions to their problems! Always enjoy listening to John Wheeler! Great job as always! Thank you!” – Joe Anthes

“Fantastic questions!” – Jeff Reilly

“Great presentation.” – Gail Van-Nest

“Great job John!” – Rich Coffin

“Great presentation, John.” – Roberto Corral