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David Mozeika

Financial Professional

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As Founder and President of Tomoro and Currence, David Mozeika has excelled at assisting clients in adapting a new philosophy in regards to their finances, strategically engaging portfolios from a macro perspective in order to realize long-term wealth potential.  With a Finance/Economics background from Montclair State University, David has over 22 years of experience in the financial services industry.  During this presentation David Mozeika will introduce and present a new streamlined cash flow management platform that will revolutionize the way advisors engage with both current and new clients.  Learn how Currence gives clients and advisors a greater connection by providing a visualization of savings potential and free cash flow.  This new technology has been created to enhance the value of the client relationship by encouraging advisors to move from a hunter to a farmer model allowing them to cultivate clients over time, leading to greater agent-client engagement.  Experience how advisors can achieve better persistency and increase the lifetime value of every client we engage with.

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