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Life Insurance as an Asset

March 1, 2012

Life insurance is a critical piece to everyone’s financial puzzle. John Wheeler, Jr. CFP, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, LUTCF, a 40-year veteran of the insurance industry, joins Real Wealth® to provide a new perspective on how you can position life insurance as an asset class with your clients. He discusses the real need for life insurance and the many ways it can be used by your clients and their families.



Corporate Culture in America

February 27, 2012

How can the lessons of history help us make good investment decisions?  James Hoopes, Distinguished Professor of History and Business Ethics at Babson College joins Real Wealth® to talk about the values of our corporate culture and if it’s still safe to invest in American corporations.  He shares examples from his book, “Corporate Dreams: Big Business in American Democracy from the Great Depression to the Great Recession”.




Where Healthcare Stands Today

February 20, 2012

Grace-Marie Turner is the president of the Galen Institute, a public policy research organization that she founded in 1995 to promote an informed debate over free-market ideas for health reform. Grace-Marie joins Real Wealth® as she breaks down the reality of the healthcare overhaul law. Find out what it has accomplished so far and the impact it may have on businesses and consumers in the future.




Having a Financial Plan and Sticking to It

February 13, 2012

As financial professionals, you of course know the importance of financial planning.  But do your clients and prospective clients?  This episode Real Wealth® discusses that with Dr. Rob Weagley, Associate Professor and Department Chair of the Personal Financial Planning Department at the University of Missouri.  We discuss the significance of a financial plan and how critical it is to work with a financial planner and advisor.




10 Top Investment Themes for 2012

February 6, 2012

Welcome to Real Wealth® this episode. We have asked Dr. Bob Froehlich to join us again to review his 10 Investment Themes for 2012. Dr. Bob, Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Strategist for Wealth Management at The Hartford, brings over 30 years of Wall Street and Main Street experience to this week’s podcast. He shares investment strategies that we can look forward to in 2012.




Where Healthcare Stands Today

February 1, 2012

Grace-Marie Turner is the president of the Galen Institute, a public policy research organization that she founded in 1995 to promote an informed debate over free-market ideas for health reform. Grace-Marie joins Real Wealth® as she breaks down the reality of the healthcare overhaul law. Find out what it has accomplished so far and the impact it may have on businesses and consumers in the future.

